I am so glad that respectable companies like EcoStore are coming forward with products that work better than chemical laced products. Thank you EcoStore! You should be applauded for your efforts. *clapping* Not only are the products from here plant and/or mineral-based, this company does NOT test on animals. I have 3 beautiful, wonderful dogs and I think testing on animals is cruel. I boycott businesses who test on animals. *round of applause*
The first product that I had the privilege of testing was the Hypoallergenic pet shampoo. Let me just tell you that I am in LOVE with this stuff!! I know I already mentioned that I have 3 dogs (who are my babies) and one of them has EXTREMELY bad allergies. I feel so bad for poor Bubba (yeah, his name's Bubba, cute huh?) I cannot tell you how many times I have had to take him to the vet because he has literally gnawed on himself which resulted in bald patches that become blood red overnight and I have to take him to the vet. He does get a benedryl in the morning and at night and he still has problems. Every so often, he is able to get a steroid shot and those help him for a few days. He can't get those all the time because they are supposed to last longer than they do for him. Anywho, I used this shampoo on him and as soon as I squirted some on his fur and ran my hands over it, I knew it was going to a life changing product. It comes out kind of watery, runny like but don't let that fool you. That stuff lathers better than anything I have ever used on my dogs, on myself, on anything. It's amazing. My hands didn't feel all raw like they did with the other dog shampoo I used. Normally, Bubba gnaws on himself 10-15 times per day. I used it on him 5 days ago and have only seen him pick at himself once and we were outside and there were bugs all over the place because it was a nice day out. My husband said that he saw him gnawing once. This is a huge breakthrough! Thank you so much EcoStore!! I can't even begin to describe how much softer and shinier their fur is. It's unbelievable. I highly recommend this.

I also tested the Auto Dish Powder and I'm very happy with it's results as well. I'm not really keen on the whole using chemicals to clean dishes thing. To me, that's one of the worst things to have in something that you clean your silverware, plates, etc. with. How many times have I ingested harmful ingredients? I really don't even want to think about it. And now, I don't have to. I can use Dish Powder that is made up of all natural ingredients. This helps me feel better about mine and my family's health. I recommend this product as well.

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