Wednesday, December 22, 2010

HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE Review: Darth Vader USB Hub from ThinkGeek

I was searching online for a gift for my dad for Christmas.  I came across ThinkGeek and found so many items that were perfect!  In the end, I had to get him this:

The Dark Hub of the Sith

Vader - once Anakin Skywalker, though that name no longer has any meaning to him - When we were just younglings, that breathy evil space-samurai used to give us nightmares. Now, though, Lucas has turned him into a simple misunderstood uberjedi with a few mechanical upgrades. Still, that lovable 7 foot-tall misanthrope is the coolest Jedi evar, and it was about time we turned him into a USB Hub.

480 MBps of digital connectivity in a simple four-port USB 2.0 hub sits on your desk, just oozing sithy malevolence. Plug in your flash drives, scanners, and other devices, and he'll frighten you with those iron-lungs of his. HHHHHOOOOOOOO-PHERRRRRRR!

The Darth Vader USB Hub is here! Buy one now! The Emperor is not as forgiving as I.


  • 4 Port Unpowered USB 2.0 Hub
  • Dimensions: 4" x 4" x 6.5"
Dad and I are both huge Star Wars fans.  I knew the power of the force by the time I was three and I've been addicted ever since.  What I love most about this product is that it's freakin' awesome looking and it serves a purpose.  I take after my dad in a lot of ways, movies and computers being the main two.  He is going to flip out when he plugs the Darth Vader USB Hub and hears the legendary breathing.  I can't think of a better gift, well except maybe a real light saber...  Hopefully that will come along sometime while I'm still alive.  I am so glad I found ThinkGeek because I never would have found a more perfect gift for the holidays.

Price: $49.99

ThinkGeek is online:


Disclosure:  I received this product for free.  All opinions are my own.

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