Wednesday, July 27, 2011


My birthday is next month and everyone has been asking me what I want.  I don't know why but I have so much trouble deciding what to put on my "wish list".  Any other time, I could tell you right off the top of my head what I would like to have.  Why does that happen?

Well, I've been thinking long and hard and I think I would like some designer jewelry. I don't have a lot of jewelry, so this would be a great way to add more pieces to my collection.  I am not your typical girly-girl who is all about hearts, flowers and rainbows.  Don't get me wrong, I think those things are beautiful but they aren't something that I would wear out.  I tend to go for things that are a little more dark and dreary.

I would go nuts if I got the skull and/or fang earrings shown on the left.  They are absolutely gorgeous!  Plus, they would go with the majority of my outfits.  Yes, I'm one of those people who are obsessed with vampires and all things paranormal.  I was into that stuff before it was "cool".  I am really glad that the paranormal genre took off.  It's a lot easier to find jewelry that I like now.  And, of course, it's also easy to find a good book or movie.

I tend to wear earrings more than any other type of jewelry.  I'm trying to branch out and I really like this necklace.  It's so pretty and everything just kind of flows.  It reminds me of Harry Potter, which I am a huge fan of!  I love the books and the movies. 

At least now I won't have to think so hard when someone asks me what I would like as a present.
This is a sponsored post.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

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