Monday, August 3, 2009

Children's Book Review - Davey Bighead: Dream Big by Peter J. Hayden

I received an adorable children's book today called Davey Big Head: Dream Big by Peter J. Hayden. This is the story of Davey, a child who has an enormous head. Every time he tries to make friends he is made fun of because of his gigantic head. Davey tries to play games with the other kids at recess but his big head always gets in the way. Davey becomes discouraged until one night, unable to sleep, he has a brilliant idea. He can't wait to get to school the next day because he has finally figured out what he can do and his big head will be an advantage. Davey decides to join the soccer team as goalie. He is finally able to be proud of his big head because he is able to keep the other team from scoring.

This is a great book for kids. It teaches that people who are a little different than you have feelings too. It also teaches kids not to dwell on what keeps them from making friends, but to embrace it and figure out a way to make it an asset.

I recommend this to all of you moms, dads, aunts, uncles, etc. I just finished reading it to my nephew a little bit ago and it was a hit. There are lots of bright colors and beautiful pictures.

If you would like to visit the authors website, go here.

Thank you Peter and Bostick Communications for sending me this book to review.

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