My 5-year-old grandson loves to draw, all over everything. He is quite artistic for his age but it has definitely become a problem lately.
I even bought him some of those markers that only work on special paper for his birthday but he went through that so fast and I got tired of having to go out and buy just that kind of paper all the time. So I gave him another present of a pack of construction paper and markers.
That was a huge mistake. I should have given him crayons instead because they’re a lot easier to wipe off of surfaces. One day while he was “helping” me bake cookies I had my back turned getting the trays out of the oven when he drew a nice little picture of me on my kitchen countertop. By the time I turned around the damage was already done. Of course, I explained to him that he can only draw on paper and tried to scrub it away. It was completely futile so I just found SEARS click here to replace my countertops.
Since then I started buying that special paper again. It’s more expensive than regular old paper, but still cheaper than new countertops.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.

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