I won't drink tap water or water from a drinking fountain. I've been told that it is the same as bottled water, but I can taste a difference. I prefer to drink water that is purified because it tastes the best. My husband is always telling me that I need to drink more water. I would never drink water if I had to drink from the tap. I hate even brushing my teeth with tap water. It's so gross. I have even been known to put bottled or purified water in my dog's bowl.
The Hydration Station is the perfect system for an office or shopping center. You don't have to touch it and it filters water that you can put right in a reusable bottle or cup. This system eliminates harmful waste like plastic water bottles. I love how this product looks, it's so nice and clean. Schools should really look into having a hydration station in every hallway. You don't have to touch anything to get your water, so that would cut down on a lot of germs. It has certain components that protect against mold and mildew. There are so many great things about this product. Too bad they aren't made for home use.

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