I love the energy efficient light bulbs. I've heard some people complain because they cost more but they actually don't. They actually save you money because they last three times as long as regular light bulbs. It's like Clinique makeup. I spend about $20 on a bottle of foundation and it lasts three months. If I purchase foundation in a mass market chain, it only lasts one month so I end up spending around $40. I don't know why but that's how it works for me.
It's important to think about saving energy because generations after us will be the one who will pay for our foolish behaviors. Cutting down on certain things isn't all that hard. I started school in San Diego, California and I learned early on to conserve water. Still to this day, when I brush my teeth, I turn the faucet off unless my toothbrush is right under it or I need to rinse.
I hang up my towel after drying off and I use it again the next day. I may only do that for two or three showers but every little bit helps. I'm turning lights off when I'm not using them and I try to reuse what I can. If we all take just a little step, we can make a big difference.

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