Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I've Got Dibs On Nestle

I went to my friend Krista's to show her the car we just bought.  We decided to take Jordan and cruise around in the Nissan for a little while.  It's a stick shift and the first manual I have ever driven, so being out with Krista had me nervous and excited at the same time.  We took turns driving and eventually I felt comfortable.  We ended up stopping at Walmart because we were craving something sweet.

This is my favorite kind of shopping trip because I can get in and get out within a just a few minutes.  The way Walmart is set up makes it really easy to find what you are looking for.  There were so many choices and I was having a terrible time trying to decide what treat to purchase. 

Jordan helped me out because he knew what he wanted right away, so we picked up some Nestle Dibs.  Of course we got the little guy what he wanted and even let him start eating it before we got out to the car.

As you can see, Jordan was able to have a container all to himself, which made him a happy camper.  Krista and I waited until we got back to her house to try this dessert for ourselves.

When I tasted the Nestle Crunch Dibs for the first time, my mouth started going nuts!  Nestle has been my chocolate of choice ever since I was three or four.  I have very high standards when it comes to sweets and Nestle always leaves me feeling satisfied.  Dibs are the perfect combination of ice cream and candy.  Their bite size makes it the perfect snack because you don't have to worry about making a big mess. 

This shop/project has been compensated as part of a campaign for Nestlé.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.