I received Tofurky and Gravy Jones Soda in the mail today. I must admit that I was a little scared to try this. It doesn't sound like something that would be mouthwatering but I thought it would be a good idea to give it a try. You never know until you give something a chance, right? I have been surprised before, so I try to make a point of trying different foods and drinks before making a decision. This drink wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either. I guess it tasted just like I expected it to. My husband tried a sip and immediately spit it in the sink and asked "why in the world would someone drink this?" So neither of us were thrilled with this drink. However, we pretty much fought over who would get to wear the turkey hat on Thanksgiving. We ended up reaching a mutual agreement and we are going to share the hat and take turns wearing it. It immediately reminded me of that episode of Friends when Joey gets the turkey stuck on his head. We're having Thanksgiving at Krista's house this year and she is a die hard Friends fan. I'm sure she'll appreciate the get up.

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