Want to participate in the 2nd Annual Green Books Campaign?
On November 10, 200 bloggers will simultaneously publish reviews of 200 books printed on recycled paper or FSC-certified paper. The campaign will use the power of the Internet and social media to promote books that are printed in an eco-friendly manner.
The first campaign took place last November when over 100 bloggers simultaneously published reviews of more than 100 books printed on recycled or FSC-certified paper.This campaign also involved 40 publishers from the U.S., Canada and the U.K. You can see the books and bloggers that participated on the campaign's page - http://www.ecolibris.net/greenbookscampaign.asp. The campaign was very successful - more than 15,000 readers were exposed to the campaign and it received very positive feedback from publishers, bloggers and readers. Therefore, we decided to run it again this year, but this time with 200 bloggers! This year we are also collaborating with Indigo Books and Music, the largest book retailer in Canada, to increase the campaign's exposure and impact.
Just like last year, the idea is to have 200 bloggers, who review books on regular basis, to simultaneously publish their book review of a "green book" of their choice on Wednesday, November 10 2010. Our goal also hasn't changed: To use the power of the internet and social media to promote "green" books and increase the awareness of both readers and publishers to the way books can be printed printed in an eco-friendly manner.
The first step will be to choose a "green" book you would like to review for from the list of books available atwww.ecolibris.net/greenbookscampaign_list.pdf (Please note that it's recommended to increase the magnification of the web page up to 125% to see all the details). The books will be assigned on first come first served basis. Once a book is taken, the name of the blog will appear next to it in the column 'assigned blog'. Please check this column to make sure the book you want is still available.
Here are a couple of Q&A to help with this stage of the campaign:
What does the first come first served basis mean?
If two or more bloggers want to review the same book, it will be assigned to the blogger who was the first to send the request.
Is there any geographical limit?
No, unless it is specified on the comments column (you'll see only few books are limited). Nevertheless, in order to get the book to you as fast as possible and to minimize the footprint of the shipment, we strongly recommend that you will choose a book from your geographical area (i.e. North America/Europe/Australia). The geographical origin for each book is provided under the column 'country'.
Should I send only one choice?
To expedite the process you're welcome to send us also your second priority if you like to, so if by any chance another blogger was faster and asked for your first priority before you did, we'll be able to immediately assign you your second priority.
OK, I chose a book I would like to review and even have my second choice ready - what now?
Please send us the following details:
1. Your name
2. Your blog (link)
3. Your mailing address
Once we assign you a book, we'll send you a confirmation email and we'll forward these details to the book's publisher. The publisher will send you the review copy directly.
If you are interested in participating, please send Raz at Eco-Libris: raz@ecolibris.net
Disclosure: I did not receive any form of compensation for this post.

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