Energy efficiency is a topic that is widely discussed. How can we take better care of our environment? What can we do to help save this earth and ourselves? It's amazing how much difference one light bulb can make and it's even more amazing how many options are available that cost the same as energy guzzling supplies. I am making an effort to become more aware of the products I use, so that I can do my part. If we all do a little, it can add up to a lot.
I like to stay up-to-date on the latest Energy and Environmental News called The New Fuelist. I like the clean layout and it is a really easy site to navigate. There are so many interesting articles. Did you know that Hawaii is the place being used for "the first viable hydrogen fuel cell network in the United States"? One of my favorite articles is the one that talks about a streetlight in Cambridge, MA being powered by dog poop. Isn't that amazing? I also learned that Central America is trying to use volcanoes for electricity. There are so many options to explore and I'm excited to find out what works and what doesn't.

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