Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Review: Costume Squad T-Shirt

Initech t shirt is one of our favorite office space t shirts. Looking for that super soft incredibly comfortable initech shirt that you'll want to wear in your cubicle? This is it. At least you can look good while you are bored out of your mind! With our great collection of office t shirts you will find something you love!

I'm not big on dressing up for Halloween but I already have an idea about what will happen with me this year on October 31st. I'm going to wear my favorite Funny t shirt which has the Initech logo on it. My husband and I have a printer that doesn't work anymore, so I think I'll stand in my front yard and take a baseball bat to it. Funny t shirts are an important part of comfy, everyday outfits. Now I just need to get some Custom t shirts because I like to be different. 

Disclosure: I received a t-shirt for free from Costume Squad. Opinions expressed are 100% mine.

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  1. They have some really cool shirts.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  2. Thay got some funny stuff that its hard to chose wich one to get.

  3. These are hilarious!! Love the Initech shirt :) hahaha


  4. I love the simple idea for a Halloween costume.
    jb8903 at gmail dot com

  5. I love funny shirts. good costume idea

  6. That is a hilarious idea!

