Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Military Motorcycle Helmets

I remember the day that I saw my husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) graduate from Basic Training with the Army. After graduation, all of the military personal had to go through an inspection. They were required to bring all of their gear and it had to be perfect, or else they had to stay and work on their gear rather than celebrate with their family. While standing in line waiting, I saw so many different items that I had never set eyes on. Lucky for me, James passed inspection on the first try, so we were able to go out to dinner and get a hotel room for the weekend. One thing I will never forget is the smell of fifty guys carrying gear like Military Motorcycle Helmets that they had to wear in the sweltering heat. I have never in my life inhaled more stinky boy sweat than I did on that day. I knew that they were made to carry a lot of gear and the weather was always in the high nineties but I was not prepared for what I encountered. I hope that I never have to smell anything that awful again. The worst part is, we were outside for all of this, I can't imagine what it smelled like in their rooms...

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