Purses are not only a necessity to keep all of your valuable information on-hand, they are also a great accessory. Like most woman and teens, I love a purse that catches the eye of the others around me. More than anything though, I want a purse that makes it easy for me to get to whatever product I need without having to shuffle through the whole bag. Also, I like to change my purse every now and then, so I don't really see the point in spending thousands of dollars on purses that I will only use a few times.
I must admit that I absolutely love louis vuitton handbags, but not enough to actually buy one. Lucky for me there are louis vuitton replica handbags that are just as stylish and they are also nice on the wallet. My sister is obsessed with Coach purses. I never understood her fascination but then again, that's what makes us all individuals. She could never see spending hundreds of dollars in a bookstore, which I have done on several occasions. I normally stick to used bookstores though because again, saving money is important to me. No matter what the product is, I will weigh the pros and cons and nine times out of ten, I will choose the cheaper version.
Why is it that designer stuff is so expensive? I understand that there are some things that are priced higher because they are better quality. In my experience though, I have found a lot of items that were half the price of the original and actually lasted longer. Finding a replica gucci gives me more satisfaction than shelling out a whole lot of money for a handbag. When it comes down to it, it all depends on what is most important to you, the name or the design. That's my opinion and I am sticking to it.
I agree girlfriend! I have a Coach bag which I do love and spent quite a bit on. I probably won't buy another one...hard getting myself to spend that much again.