Saturday, October 3, 2009

Review: CaliBowl

I am a very messy eater. I'm constantly getting food on my clothes or the table. My parents still joke about how more food ends up on me than in me. I would like to say that's an exaggeration, but then I'd be lying. When I first heard about the CaliBowl, and their patent pending lip, I just had to test them out. My husband is very thankful that I found out about these bowls. He does the laundry, so he's the one who ends up fighting with my stains. I can honestly say that these bowls live up to the hype. I'm so glad I found a way to eat and not be embarrassed about wearing my food. This is a huge relief because cereal is one of my favorite foods but it's hard to enjoy it when you keep dripping milk all over yourself.

There are several different sizes and colors to choose from. You can also choose between plastic and ceramic bowls.

CaliBowl has a zero landfill policy and they have a Recycle-A-Bowl program. If you send them your old CaliBowls, they will give you a 25% discount on purchasing new CaliBowl products at their online store.

To purchase a set of CaliBowls for yourself, go here.

CaliBowl is on Twitter & Facebook.

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  1. oh wow this is great. i can be a bit messy with food sometimes too. my mom as well! i used to be AWFUL with drinks though, b/c I'd always knock the glass over.


  2. What a great idea! I need these for my kids. :)
