Friday, December 4, 2009

Window Boxes

I really enjoy looking at homes that are pleasing to the eye. When a person takes the time to make their home look good, it relaxes me. I love window flower boxes because they add character to a home. They aren't something that everyone has, so it's a nice way to stand out. Choosing what flowers to add to a window box can be relaxing as well.

Plants have a calming effect and they give a house a more "homey" feel. Window boxes are great for people who love to garden because they give you an extra place to spruce up. What's your take on this?

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.

1 comment:

  1. i feel like you have an upclass, old-feel type home to pull off window boxes. They are just one on things that can be considered slightly outdated, but if you have the right type of worldly, upkept house, I suppose you could pull it off.
